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WPS: So, like, the 2011 Draft was today

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And I have Strong Opinions.

  1. I see this list of drafted people. Where’s Megan? (Jesolva, that is)
  2. See #1. Lori Walker was going on and on about Lauren Barnes’ being only 5’4″ and yet having upside, which, by the way — that description fits Jesolva as well.
  3. Um, so Oklahoma, have you been doing something and not telling me? Two draftees? Because usually you’re better known for your men’s gymnastics team…
  4. Oregon’s Jen Stoltenberg. What a pleasant surprise; I hope she does well and makes the roster.
  5. Dear WPS coaches, don’t you realize that Kylie Wright and Lauren Barnes simply cannot function without each other?
  6. See #5. It’s the same with Sinead Farrelly and Meghan Lenczyk. There needs to be trading between ATL and PHI, please.
  7. See #1. I know ten WPS teams who missed out: the six who still exist and the four who don’t.
  8. Wasserman Media Group, which, through clever acquisition of other sports agencies, represents some big-name male soccer players— such as Steven Gerrard and Park Ji-Sung — is the agency that now represents Alex Morgan. Round of applause, please.
  9. I try to remind myself that the last rounds of a draft don’t really matter, but it doesn’t stop this one from being a farce.

Then I went home and pan-fried some marinated pork.

UPDATE (1/23/2011): Jesolva has been signed away to the Atlanta Beat. Treat her well, Atlanta, or Soulja Girl will threaten legal action.

Written by teamongolia

January 14, 2011 at 11:09 pm